“Stormbreaker,” an up-and-coming party of young adventurers, is making waves in the dungeon conquest world with its record-breaking speed. Amidst this, Monog, who works as a handyman and a support mage, begins to doubt whether he will be expelled from “Stormbreaker” due to the recent “Attacker Supremacy” trend. However, the other members have no intention of kicking him out. In fact, they are the complete opposite…? Is the negative handyman actually a genius(?) support mage? Join these cute and unique members as they aim to become the strongest party! From “Let’s Become Novelists,” comes a harem-style youthful adventure tale!
- Chapter 9-3 11/20/2024
- Chapter 9-2 11/19/2024
- Chapter 9-1 11/18/2024
- Chapter 8-2 10/25/2024
- Chapter 8-1 10/22/2024
- Chapter 7-3 10/18/2024
- Chapter 7-2 10/16/2024
- Chapter 7-1 09/20/2024
- Chapter 6-3 09/03/2024
- Chapter 6-2 08/15/2024
- Chapter 6-1 08/15/2024
- Chapter 5-3 02/03/2024
- Chapter 5-2 01/27/2024
- Chapter 5-1 12/15/2023
- Chapter 4-3 12/15/2023
- Chapter 4-2 11/16/2023
- Chapter 4-1 10/31/2023
- Chapter 3-2 10/25/2023
- Chapter 3-1 10/19/2023
- Chapter 2-2 10/06/2023
- Chapter 2-1 10/02/2023
- Chapter 1 09/24/2023
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