The story starts with Hinata Naru entering the first year of high school. She had always been a quiet girl who would only hang out with her childhood friends You-chan and Micchan, but decided to change her ways after entering high school. She wanted to make many new friends, but had been having a hard time doing so due to her shyness; her life takes a turn for the better, though, after she meets the student council president Natsuno Sora and he becomes her first friend! And also.. maybe something more?
- Chapter 24 07/31/2023
- Chapter 23 07/31/2023
- Chapter 22 07/31/2023
- Chapter 21 05/02/2023
- Chapter 20 03/28/2023
- Chapter 19 02/21/2023
- Chapter 18 01/17/2023
- Chapter 17 12/21/2022
- Chapter 16 11/22/2022
- Chapter 15 10/26/2022
- Chapter 14 09/27/2022
- Chapter 13 08/16/2022
- Chapter 12 07/18/2022
- Chapter 11 06/21/2022
- Chapter 10 05/24/2022
- Chapter 9 04/25/2022
- Chapter 8 04/25/2022
- Chapter 7 04/25/2022
- Chapter 6 04/25/2022
- Chapter 5 04/25/2022
- Chapter 4 04/25/2022
- Chapter 3 04/25/2022
- Chapter 2 04/25/2022
- Chapter 1 04/25/2022
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